Andrew Cunningham 

Job title: Public Health Officer-Community Development

Phone Number:  07890 958302

Email address:

Locality: North Doncaster

I have studied three years at Sheffield Hallam University, completing a degree is Sport Devlopment with Coaching. I have studied sport and physical activity throughout my educational journey whilst also studying sociology at college which has given me a great understanding of how communities work and the factors in which affect them. Some may think that studying sport development with coaching doesn’t really go hand-in-hand with public health and community development, but let me tell you, you’d be very very surprised to find out it does! Learning about all the different aspects of how sport plays a massive part in driving a community and how it can be used to create positive change is something I will never forget. I have come to understand how communities work and how me as an individual can become a driver for positive change. Getting people moving is something I feel is imperative, but I also understand this is not something everyone is able to do, and as a team we are determined to support each community be a place where everyone feel safe and healthy in their own way!

Since joining the team, this role has allowed me to gain a huge amount of knowledge into how to create positive change in communities. I feel I have built up some very strong and thriving relationships across the North Doncaster and I feel supported a wide range of positive projects that have taken place by our communities. I very much enjoy my role in Well Doncaster, I enjoy working with residents to make their communities a happy and healthy place to live. I love making new connections and bringing new services. Doncaster is full of fantastic people and services and our job now is to keep this level of support up! 

Outside of work I am a massive football fan and absolutely adore the sport! I am a season ticket holder at Sheffield Wednesday and also travel the country watching them every week! (Yes I know, how unfortunate!). Sport has always been something I follow closely and I will happily watch any sport! Away from football I have a passion for rugby league and also horse racing. 


Fun fact… I can touch my nose with my tongue! 

What people appreciate about me… I will always give my best to support anyone in anything they are wanting to do. I am always looking for new opportunities for resident’s and community groups to thrive. I am outgoing, confident and friendly, which makes it so easy to work with me! 

What is important to me…..  Supporting everyone. Making sure that whether it is my family or friends or members of the community, everyone feels safe and valued in their day-to-day life. Being able to rest and relax and switch off is important for me as I am always on my feet keeping busy.