Georgia Snape

Job Title: Public Health Officer 

Locality: South 

Phone Number: 01302 737349/07977 679741

Email address:

I have a bachelor's degree in Applied Social Work which gave me the opportunity learn about holistic support, safeguarding, legal frameworks etc. Doing the degree really improved my confidence, communication skills and knowledge base.  

Before I joined the Well Doncaster team, I was a Get Doncaster Moving Community Connector for Edlington. I have lived in Edlington and know the community well. I was able to use my lived experience in this role as I encouraged residents in the community to be more physically active. This was achieved in lots of different ways. I put on an ‘Improve Your Groove’ event which saw 70+ residents be more active. This involved a nature walk and a mini sports day with an inflatable obstacle course. I also led community walks and bat walks, encouraged residents to play frisbee golf, led team building activities with families, promoted activities that were already taking place in Edlington that promoted physical activity and supported local groups and community organisations. 

Being a Community Connector was a real stepping stone into community engagement and one which immensely developed my passion for communities. As part of that role, I was seeing all the great work that happens in communities that isn’t being shouted about. Now as part of the Well Doncaster Team, I can utilise the networks I've already developed when I was a Community Connector and support communities to grow, build resilience and respond to the shifting needs of their residents. 

Fun fact: I have completed Bat walk leader training and have led a couple of Bat walks at Martinwells lake in Edlington.  

What people appreciate about me: Being a good listener 

What is important to me: Family, friends and my 2 dogs

The thing I enjoy best about being part of Well Doncaster: The opportunity to meet people doing great things in their local communities and supporting them to achieve their ambitions and supporting residents.