Karen Seaman

Job Title: Public Health Improvement Coordinator/Lead for Shaping Stainforth

Email- karen.seaman@doncaster.gov.uk

I have worked for Doncaster Council for 15 years, spending the first 13 years working in Family Hubs, and managing different Family Hubs across the borough. This role really gave me the opportunity to support children and families within our communities, offering the support needed to ensure they get the best start in life. 

In 2015 I had a secondment opportunity to work with Well Doncaster in Denaby to reduce health inequalities and work with and for residents in a strength-based way. I was able to build on my existing relationships in the community and create new ones. Working together, we saw fantastic opportunities for Denaby and its residents come together.  Returning to my post in 2018 as Locality Family Hub Manager enabled me to continue my passion to support residents in Doncaster communities. 

When an opportunity arose to return to Public Health within the Well Doncaster team in January 2022, I took it! I lead on a programme called ‘Shaping Stainforth’ programme which improves people’s health through a focus on the wider determinants of health. Supporting Stainforth in a regenerative way has given me the skills and experience to support other communities in Doncaster with a regenerative lens. Having an understanding of local systems, including how to influence the system and how they are connected, has enabled the project to achieve success.

Finding those diamonds in our communities that really want to contribute gives me great pleasure! To support them to develop an idea which is a benefit to the wider community is so fulfilling to be part of.

With a passion for food, my role has offered me the opportunity to lead on food poverty across Doncaster. Through this I support foodbanks and food pantries provisions, facilitate a foodbank forum where we share good practice and offer the support and guidance.

Fun fact:  Recently completed a 15km tough Mudder event (would rather run a marathon!) with my daughter and son-in-law…they are now looking for the next challenge! 

What people appreciate about me: I am a reliable member of the team, priding myself on an empathetic management style. I have an understanding work ethic which I use both with residents and staff.

What is important to me: Supporting communities to thrive, allowing our residents to take an active role in our communities with assurances they have the support of professionals if needed. Supporting the Well Doncaster team to do the best for our residents and the places they live. 

I am a family orientated person and spend a lot of time with my three children and grandson.

The thing I enjoy best about being part of Well Doncaster….. It is a supportive team with ‘relentless kindness’ at the heart of everything we do. 

The whole team are a fantastic bunch of people who all bring individual strengths and skills. I am so lucky to be part of a team that has such an impact on residents.