Marianne Turner

Job Title: Public Health Improvement Officer-Active Commuities

Phone Number: 07971 395978

Email address:

I joined the Well Doncaster team in May 2019 as the original Well Doncaster Officer in Bentley. Immediately I bought into the community centred way of working and loved speaking to and supporting residents and Voluntary Community and Faith Sector groups to lead the change in their community. I’m very proud to still be based in the Bentley office and able to see the impact to infrastructure and sustained changes which came from the original co-produced plans, projects, and activities, that have had an incredible impact on residents. I’m also proud to have witnessed how the approach, team and work has grown across Doncaster during my time in the team enabling us now to have the capacity to support and empower all communities and residents. 

Since December 2020 I have been a Public Health Improvement Officer and Active Communities Lead for Get Doncaster Moving. My passion for the role comes from my strong beliefs in the potential of physical activity and sport to make a difference in all resident’s lives, particularly those facing health inequalities. My role is centred around connecting Well Doncaster with Get Doncaster Moving to ensure a strong partnership approach, that residents’ voice is at the heart of all Get Doncaster Moving do and that solutions to help residents to move more are co-produced with communities. I co-ordinate the Active Communities Grants, providing opportunities for individuals and organisations to try new things to help their fellow residents move more. Through enabling organisations to host Get Doncaster Moving Community Connectors I ensure we build community capacity to have residents supporting other residents within their communities to be more active. I also offer training for walk leaders and co-ordinate the community led walking programme in Doncaster.

Prior to moving to Doncaster, I was born in Durham, lived in Keswick, and studied in Newcastle. I completed a BSc in Sport Management and MSc in International Sport Management at Northumbria University and worked within the Culture and Sport department at Durham County Council. 

Outside of work, I enjoy playing football for Brodsworth Warriors and going for a daily walk. I also love spending time with my family, going on holidays to visit new and old places and exploring European capital cities. 

Fun fact: I once was offered an interview for The Apprentice TV show but backed out.

What people appreciate about me: I’m extremely organised, obsessed with to do lists and always happy to help with one note tips!

What is important to me: Spending quality time with my family. Also, everyone having an opportunity to be active doing something they enjoy near to where they live.

The thing I enjoy best about being part of Well Doncaster: Being part of a friendly, social, and caring team and going for lunchtime walks. The opportunity to support and contribute to communities and seeing the impact Well Doncaster and Get Doncaster Moving are having at an individual, community and organisational level is very fulfilling.