Nicola Moran

Job Title: Public Health Officer-Community Development

Phone Number: 07977 458387

Email address:

Locality: South

I left university in 2001 after studying Sport Science. After a few years, I began my career at Doncaster Rovers working under the charity arm of the club. Here, I managed the schools programme and the provision in both curricular and extra-curricular physical activity time. I also managed a project funded by the Premier League called Premier League Primary Stars. This was delivered in schools and consisted of a range of activities and interventions to increase engagement levels in the classroom and upskill teachers to become more confident in planning and delivering PE lessons. I gained experience in working with a range of stakeholders including local councils and schools and external and internal providers and feel that I bring this knowledge to my new role when working and supporting community groups. My experience in sports development has built strong foundations for my role in the Well Doncaster team, as I forge strong and trusting relationships with local communities who need a little help and supporting them to reduce social isolation and address health inequalities. 

Fun fact: I am a qualified fitness instructor teaching regular classes including spin, boot camp and boxercise. 

What people appreciate about me: I am very honest, too honest at times! I am reliable and know how to manage expectations. I am passionate about the people I love and will go above and beyond for my family and friends. 

What is important to me: My son and my little dog Harry. Being healthy and keeping fit is massively important to me. I am an early riser and can be often found pounding the streets at 6am before work. I have also just “retired” from playing football at the grand old age of 43!

The thing I enjoy best about being part of Well Doncaster: Although I am new, I already feel part of a great team focused on helping the local community to improve their lives and the areas that they live in. I have always been passionate about health and fitness and have been active all my life.  I have been lucky that I had a family that supported me and encouraged me to thrive in sport. However, I understand that some people face many barriers in participating in an active lifestyle. This is why I love what I do! I enjoy building relationships with local people, getting to know what they need and listening to them. I thrive on building on that with them and helping them to overcome barriers by looking at what they “can” do not “cant”. I am looking forward to meeting all the wonderful community groups and supporting them in reaching their goals.